Saturday, May 05, 2012

NEW VIDEO: Zuma Dogg (May '12) Documentary Introduction - "The Zuma Dogg Show" (2000-Present) & FIRST Zuma Dogg Segment EVER RECORDED! [First Time Zuma Dogg Took Camera To Venice Beach] - via

With Zuma Dogg now in "deposition" mode, in his never-ending pursuit of justice versus City of Los Angeles; and a jury trial set for October 2012, where a jury will decide HOW MUCH to award Zuma Dogg for years of civil rights violations at the shady hands of Los Angeles City Clouncil (as a Federal Judge already ruled in ZD's favor and AGAINST City of Los Angeles; so it's not a matter of WHO is RIGHT...but a matter of HOW MUCH the CITY should pay Zuma Dogg for damages); And, with City Hall being investigated "as wide and as high as needed" (according to L.A. Times), for the things Zuma Dogg has been calling for, as a gadfly, on City TV 35, over the past six years -- it seemed like a good time to shift from day-to-day gadfly mode, at least for now, and do something I have been meaning to do for six years, since the advent of YouTube, but was busy posting all the City Hall gadfly activism (public comment) videos -- and running for Mayor (in 2008/2009) -- and was so focused on "Zuma Dogg vs City Hall" -- I never got to the years worth of "The Zuma Dogg Show" videos, which is a NATURAL for YouTube. I've said for a while now that I'm the all-time-greatest comedic improv and overall pop culture entertainer for the masses; and a lot more of the legacy is now posted.

Never before posted segments from "The Zuma Dogg Show" (L.A. & Ventura cable TV classic), posted at And 100 Zuma Dogg "Public Comment" videos, from 2006-2012/Present, posted at Combine the two, and you have the all time greatest "guy of the street" Icon, in L.A. history. Thank you! Because for me, it IS all about all the people I've met along the way. And that's ALL it's been about! :) - ZD (May 6, 2012)

INTRO BY ZUMA DOGG. Then Zuma watches playback of Howard Stern Show NYC appearance (ZD's FIRST on-camera performance, ever...PRE-Venice Beach filming for "The ZD Show.") THEN, ZD takes to Venice Beach boardwalk, looking for the, "Real Killer(s)" for Howard. (Zuma Dogg at his WORST.) The character quickly evolved into a warm and fuzzier, mainstream character. And the WORSE you think this is, the MORE HILARIOUS it is that ZD became #1 citizen voice vs L.A. City Hall, with a LOT of damage done on the Dogg's part. (See embedded videos in Playlist #1 on right side of this blog.)

3 days ago

Zuma Dogg - As U Can See (Original G-Funk Era Classic)

Yes, YouTube, I know it sounds like Zuma Dogg rapping on top of Dr. Dre beats, but this is a Zuma Dogg original O.G. classic, in the spirit of Snoo...
zumadogg zumadogg uploaded
3 days ago

Zuma Dogg vs Elton John A different type of segment, than the usual street-oriented segments from "The Zuma Dogg Show." This is a fantasy segment, fro...
zumadogg zumadogg uploaded
4 days ago

Zuma Dogg w George Clooney On-Set of Ocean's 11 & Into by The Beatles (2001)

BEST OF ZUMA DOGG SHOW: Short intro by The Beatles, then, ZD's 1st street encounter with a Hollywood film shoot. George Clooney at the Santa Monica...
zumadogg zumadogg uploaded
5 days ago

VENICE BEACH: Female MC Freestyle Battle vs Zuma Dogg & LIVE Performance of KISS!!!

You wanted the best, you got the best...ZUMA DOGG & A KISS PERFORMANCE. But first, Zuma Dogg gets schooled by FEMALE MC in freestyle battle on the ...
zumadogg zumadogg uploaded
1 week ago

CLASSIC EPISODE: Zuma Dogg Presents - STONE TEMPLE PILOTS (Video Shoot) ZD's pal Dean allowed unprecedented access to Stone Temple Pilot's, "No Way Out," MTV video shoot at El Rey Theater in Los Ang...

HOURS of NEVER BEFORE POSTED "The Zuma Dogg Show" VIDEOS -- ALREADY POSTED -- AND EVEN MORE WILL CONTINUE TO BE POSTED Same with for additional political video uploads. 

HOURS of NEVER BEFORE POSTED "The Zuma Dogg Show" VIDEOS -- ALREADY POSTED -- AND EVEN MORE WILL CONTINUE TO BE POSTED at Same with for additional political video uploads. 

ALL new video updates posted at and @ZumaDogg on twitter.